Tuesday 29 May 2012

Battle of Marathon

The Panthenon

The Parthenon is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis. The construction of this temple began in 447 BC when the Athenian Empire was at the height of power. The Parthenon was completed in 438 BC. The Parthenon was actually replaced by an older temple of Athena, which historians called It the Old Parthenon, that was destroyed in the Persian Invasion in 480 BC. Inside the Parthenon, there are many treasures that was used for display inside the building. But the thing that stood out the most, was the massive and enormous statue of Athena that was designed by Phidas and the statue was made out of chryselephantine (elephant ivory) and gold. The Parthenon is 30.9 Meters by 69.5 Meters. The Parthenon was built for a gift to the Greek Goddess Athena who was the patron goddess of the Greek goddess Athens. The 3 main features about this building is the way they used The Elgin Marbles and how they used it. They other one is the Statue of the Greek Goddess Athena. The other main feature is the statues of all the other Gods and Goddess' of Greece and all the sculptures that were made in it. http://www.ancientgreece.com/s/Parthenon/

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Ancient Greece is located in Southern Europe. It is near the Agean Sea, its neighbouring countries are Turkey, Macedonia and the islands Crete and Naxos. Its landscape is very ancient today, because there are lots of ancient buildings that were made to represent the landscape it was in the ancient time. Some of the buildings that are still standing now are the:

Parthenon - Temple of Athena Parthenos. It was built in the 5th Century BC

Erectheum - Temple from the middle classical period of Greek art and Architecture, built on the Acropolis of Athens 421 and 405BC


Tuesday 22 May 2012




Theseus was born and raised in Troezen. When he grew up he traveled to Athens, to see his father.
His dad, Aegeus, was the king of Athens, and his mum Aethra, was a Princess. Aegeus slept with Aethra, and on the same night she slept with Poseidon, the sea God. Aegeus, said if Aethra would have a baby boy then she should raise him well. When Aegeus left he hid a sword and sandals under a rock, and told Aethra that when his son could push the rock and get the items, that she should send him to Athens.

Theseus' biggest achievement in his life, was when he fought the Minotaur. He went to the island Crete, where king Minos lived with his friend the Minotaur. King Minos, from time to time attacked Athens, for fun. King Aegeus, was the king of Egypt at the time and made a deal with king Minos. He told Minos if he sent seven Athenian boys and girls every nine years for the Minotaur to eat than Minos will stop attacking. Prince Theseus insisted that he would be one of the boys to go, but he wasn't planning to get eaten. He wanted to kill the Minotaur and stop kids getting eaten. When they arrived at Crete, Princess Ariadne sent Theseus a letter asking for a deal. Theseus agreed. The deal was if Ariadne helped him by giving him a string to navigate in the Labyrinth then Theseus would let Ariadne come with them to escape. On the day when they went to the Labyrinth,Theseus went off alone while the other kids stayed at the door protecting the string to the exit. He found the Minotaur fighting it with his own fists. After they left the island and stopped at a tiny island called Naxos. Ariadne fell asleep and Theseus left her there.
A modern day personality similar to Theseus, is Nelson Mandela. They are very similar because they stood for their people. Theseus, stood up for the young Athenian kids, so they wouldn't get eaten by the Minotaur, so he fought the Minotaur and killed it. Also, Nelson Mandela, formed a black government to stand up for the black peoples rights, because their society was divided, where the black people were separated from the white people, as the black people were perceived as second classed citizens, so he fought for equal rights.

By: Myden O. and Oliver B.